The average house price on MELBOURNE TERRACE is £224,585
The most expensive house in the street is 5 MELBOURNE TERRACE with an estimated value of £246,824
The cheapest house in the street is 7 MELBOURNE TERRACE with an estimated value of £209,786
The house which was most recently sold was 3 MELBOURNE TERRACE, this sold on 19 May 2020 for £178,000
The postcode for MELBOURNE TERRACE is TR18 3EZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 MELBOURNE TERRACE Terraced £219,338 £178,000 19 May 2020
5 MELBOURNE TERRACE Terraced £246,824 £184,000 25 Jul 2016
6 MELBOURNE TERRACE Terraced £222,394 £180,000 28 Nov 2019
7 MELBOURNE TERRACE Terraced £209,786 £59,000 13 Feb 2001